Ajax FireProtect 2 SB (Teplo/Kouř) Bílý - Bezdrátový požární hlásič s tepelnými a kouřovými senzory


FireProtect 2 je detektor nové generace určený pro požární bezpečnost obytných budov. Unikátní kouřová komora nevyžaduje pravidelné čištění, dvouspektrální senzor rozlišuje kouř od páry, termistor rychle reaguje na hoření syntetických materiálů a sofistikovaný software minimalizuje falešné poplachy.
Promyšlený design, montáž a nastavení v aplikaci činí instalaci přímou a rychlou. Vše splňuje nejmodernější standardy požární bezpečnosti.
SB - verze s uzavřenými bateriemi poskytující 10 let provozu.

2 377,93 Kč 2377.93 CZK 2 377,93 Kč

94,52 €

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    Obchodní podmínky
    30denní záruka vrácení peněz
    Doprava: 2-3 pracovní dny

    Patented smoke chamber technology Encouraged by world standards and best practices, Ajax reaches an entirely new level of technology in residential fire safety with FireProtect 2. A unique smoke chamber that is dustproof and impenetrable for insects, a dual-spectrum optical sensor, and a proprietary HazeFlow 2 software algorithm guarantee the speed and accuracy of fire detection — ultimate safety with no stress about false alarms. Impenetrable for dust and insects The smoke chamber is designed with zero possibility of contamination that can affect detection. A unique circulation mechanism provides the optical sensor with an unobstructed field to quickly identify products of combustion in the air.
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    Ignores сooking fumes and water steam The smoke chamber is hardwired with a dual-spectrum optical sensor that has blue and infrared LEDs with different wavelengths. It uses the most reliable real-time detection method, directly measuring the microparticle concentration in the air. This technology allows FireProtect 2 to determine the size of the volatile particles inside the chamber and respond only to smoke, ignoring vapour and water steam.Only real threats considered In-depth research on materials combustion resulted in HazeFlow 2 — a smoke detection algorithm developed by Ajax. The algorithm contemporaneously analyses and compares data from the dual-spectrum optical sensor to a specified pattern to define smoke from vapour or steam. The detector instantly raises the alarm when pattern dynamics indicate a real case of fire.Even when it's fire without smoke FireProtect 2 is equipped with two class A1R thermistors to detect smokeless fire threats. They give a significant advantage in detecting a rapid temperature rise when synthetic materials burn, or a fire starts from smoldering. Thermistors are located outside the enclosure to eliminate life-saving detection delays. So FireProtect 2 is ready to detect a fire as fast as possible, even if it starts imperceptibly.
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